Web Security

Web security is a never ending battle.
Switching to a secure browser like Brave makes a big difference.
Though to gain more protection there are more things that we can do.

Using a VPN and custom DNS provider can hide a lot of your data that would be otherwise exposed whilst also reducing censorship.

Deleting data that corporations hold on you is another key step towards greater privacy and security.
Check out the 'Corporate Data Tracking' section below for more info on this.

Corporate Data Tracking

Big Tech has plenty of data on most of us.
If you want to remove all of the data that they have on you
the best thing to do is to completely delete your accounts from those corporations systems,
but in some cases, certain corporations have such a large monopoly on a vast array of services that you use regularly that it may be difficult to delete your entire account.
Google and Microsoft are two examples of these, you may like to consider visiting the 'Manage Google/Microsoft Data' page by clicking the buttons below.

Manage Google Data

Support us

To continue researching and finding new ways to put the power back into the hands of the individual, The Great Corporate Escape project needs support. You can support us through any of the platforms linked below

More options to support coming soon...

Contact us

Send us tips or other information that can help in the project of
The Great Corporate Escape.

Please note

You may not receive a response from The Great Corporate Escape.
But I'll try to read through each email one by one.

You can continue to use TGCE for free, although without financial support it may be difficult to find the time to work on this project.